Monday, December 27, 2010

The Importance of the RSVP

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We're headed into a new year y'all! Can you believe it?! All over the world there will be parties ringing in the new year and if you are one of the lucky ones who receives an invitation to a party I am begging you to do one very important thing.....RSVP! For some reason this social practice has fallen to the wayside and it absolutely drives me crazy. As someone who has hosted parties and showers, it is very hard to plan and prepare food and drinks for an unknown number of guests. Most of the time I end up preparing more food than necessary which is just wasteful...or maybe not if it involves dessert which I will gladly eat the leftovers.
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RSVP, Répondez s’il vous plaît, is a French phrase that translates to “please respond.” So, if the invitation says RSVP you are supposed respond whether you are coming or not. If the invitation says Regrets Only, then obviously you only respond if you are unable to attend. Typically a quick phone call is all it takes, but today in our modern world you can send an e-mail, or my least favorite, send a text or facebook message. Little impersonal, but at least you responded. It just comes down to be being polite and courteous. The host took the time to invite you so take the time and respond to the host. Just letta sista know if you're comin'!

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