Saturday, December 25, 2010

Apple Dumplings

Merry Christmas y'all! I want to share a recipe for a dish I make for my family's Christmas breakfast every year. It is the only time I eat these apple dumplings and after you read what is in them you will understand why. However, my goodness are these so delightful! These could also be served as a dessert with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Dessert as breakfast! Score!

Apple Dumplings
3 Granny Smith apples
2 cans of crescent rolls
2 sticks of unsalted sweet cream butter
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 can of Mt. Dew. (yes, I said Mt. Dew)

Peel and core the apples. Slice the apples into thin pieces.
Roll as many pieces as you can fit into the crescent rolls and place them in a 13 x 9 baking dish.
Fill 'er up
Melt the butter and stir in the sugar. Pour over the dumplings. Then pour the can of Mt. Dew over the dumplings. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Serve warm.
Buttery, golden goodness

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